4.3. 2008 new york
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Hello LISANROY Change Preferences | Sign Out Sign In | Register Now Print Edition | Subscribe NewsNation Investigations Education Photos %26amp; Video World Technology KidsPost Discussions Metro Entertainment Religion Corrections Business Health Post Magazine Archives PoliticsPolitics Blogs House/Senate Votes White House Congress 2008 Campaign In Depth Polls In the Loop DC | MD | VA OpinionsOpinions Home Toles Cartoons On Faith Blogs Telnaes Animations PostGlobal Feedback Outlook Discussion Groups LocalMetro News Weather Local Explorer Jobs Education Traffic Community Guides Cars DC | MD | VACrime The Extras Real Estate Columns/Blogs Obituaries Local Business Yellow Pages SportsRedskins D.C. United Columns/Blogs NFL Nationals Capitals College Basketball NHL Wizards High Schools Local Colleges NBA Arts %26amp; LivingStyle Movies Travel Fashion %26amp; Beauty Horoscopes Smart Living Television Books Home %26amp; Garden Comics Entertainment News Food %26amp; Dining Museums Theater %26amp; Dance Crosswords CHello LISANROY Change Preferences | Sign Out Sign In | Register Now Print Edition | Subscribe NewsNation Investigations Education Photos %26amp; Video World Technology KidsPost Discussions Metro Entertainment Religion Corrections Business Health Post Magazine Archives PoliticsPolitics Blogs House/Senate Votes White House Congress 2008 Campaign In Depth Polls In the Loop DC | MD | VA OpinionsOpinions Home Toles Cartoons On Faith Blogs Telnaes Animations PostGlobal Feedback Outlook Discussion Groups LocalMetro News Weather Local Explorer Jobs Education Traffic Community Guides Cars DC | MD | VACrime The Extras Real Estate Columns/Blogs Obituaries Local Business Yellow Pages SportsRedskins D.C. United Columns/Blogs NFL Nationals Capitals College Basketball NHL Wizards High Schools Local Colleges NBA Arts %26amp; LivingStyle Movies Travel Fashion %26amp; Beauty Horoscopes Smart Living Television Books Home %26amp; Garden Comics Entertainment News Food %26amp; Dining Museums Theater %26amp; Dance Crosswords City GuideFind Restaurants Find Local Events Find Movies Visitors Guide Find Bars %26amp; Clubs Going Out Gurus JobsSearch JobsCarsBuy a Car Sell a Car Experts %26amp; Advice Dealer Specials Coupons Real EstateBuy a Home Sell a Home Property Values RentalsFind a Rental Rent Your Place ShoppingShop New Deals %26amp; Discounts Shopper Blog Shop Used Sell Your Stuff Pets SEARCH: washingtonpost.com Web | Search Archiveswashingtonpost.com %26gt; Opinions Your Comments On...Offense TakenIn this campaign, there is no room for remarks of any sort on any subject. - By Michael KinsleyCommentsscschmidt wrote:Michael Kinsley's article, "Offense Taken" is way off base. The example that he cited are based on relationships, yes- whether they be a cousin or a hairdresser. However, the GREAT BIG DIFFERENCE is that when someone goes out of their way to verbally expound the degree of influence that someone has on you as well as when you tout this person as a role model or "mentor" - well now this is VERY dofferent. By doing this, you indeed are connecting yourself to this person in every way since you indicated that their beliefs were used to mentor and foster your own beliefs. When you look up to someone as a mentor or role model, you are believing in the basic principles of theirs. Obama's open statements to th ereverend being his spiritual mentor and best friend makes his beliefs as suspect as the reverend's. In addition, Obama can now denounce all he wants to but how could he be a parishioner for 17 years and listen to these types of statements if as Obama NOW states are "outrageous"? I think that we need to realy questiob Obama's truthfullness or question his judgement. In either case, the country should seriously reconsider any support for such a candidate. It is frightening that Obama's paltform really emphasizes "change" and his real agenda would seem to indicate other.We need to change our support to Senator Clinton and assure her success in November.3/17/2008 9:05:12 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy LISANROY wrote:amemended comments of dr kamal roy dt 3,17,2008LISANROY wrote:COMmENTS OF REV DR KAMAL KARNA Karuna ROY A REPUBLICAN CANIDATE AND HoPEFUL TO BE the NOMINEE OF GOP IN SCHEDULED ELECTION FOr NOV 4, 2008, IF BE HELD WITHOUT any COURT ORDER OF INJUNCTION to postpone corrpt election as PRAYED BY DR kamal k k ROY ALLEGING SKY_HIGH AND CLOUD_DARK CORRUPTIONS BY DEFENDANTS IN CIVIL ACTIONS FILED IN 20+ U S D COURT actions in 20+ different JURISDICTIONS with allegations against defendants for negligence to enforce laws not TO PUSH OUT ELECTORAL CONTESTANTS FROM WEAKER COMMUNITIES OF HAVE-nots 3/17/2008 9:04:05 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rmorris391 wrote:well this is "midly amusing". While I am generally an advocate of Kinsley, and Slate magazine, as well as, Time magazine. I must take umbrage, with the sacastic tone of this tome. It is a thinly veiled attempt to incite debate over issues, and non-issues, which may be unrelated to the national campaign. While the Mainstream Media (MSM) has too much time on its hands, to consider a long winded campaign, the focus has shifted to non-political discourse, about intractable problems that confound american society. We have issues related to baseball players, after all, who alledgedly used illegal substances to puff up their biceps. Certainly, congress can devise a surge campaign to intervene with major league baseball, and save the poor players from the rich players. After all, the economic crisis in MLB is looming, and requires some "foreign ownership equity." This is, afterall the land of "ownership." At least that is what a young president Bush promised the american public. Once a new president is elected, a series of "signing agreements" can be implemented to remove my umbrages.3/17/2008 8:54:47 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy LL22102 wrote:Man.... Youre in trouble... You used the N word.3/17/2008 8:51:00 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy LISANROY wrote:COMENTS OF REV DR KAMAL KARNAK ROY A REPUBLICAN CANIDATE AND HPEFUL TO BE NOMINEE OF GOP IN SCHEDULED ELECTION FO NOV 4, 2008, IF BNE HELD WITHOUT COURT ORDER OF INJUNCTION PRAYED BY DR ROY ALLEGING SKY_HIGHJ ANMD CLOUD_DARK CORRUPTIONS BY DEFENDANTS IN CIVIL ACTIONS FILED IN 20+ U S D COURT JURISDICTIONS TO PUSH OUT ELECTORAL CONTESTANTS FROM WEAKER COMMUNITIES OF HAVE-nots in usa, viz rev dr kamal roy, an ondained clegy on vow of poverty declarations with i r s, i e dr roy is u s american poor and a member of weaker communities. Dr roy may not be a quiter from electoral race as a victim of corruptions and he will moe upto u s suprem court until jutie doo are opened to weaker people o uitably contest and may be win us presidency some day in decades ......as a woman is trying for presidency and 1/ 2african_american (black is thriving for presidency in 2008 , w theb hy not a member of have_not community successfuly capture u s presidency, but if the inequitable condition prevail then it may take a revolution or two to make way to succeed asis current jungle democratic condition all over the globe including in usa wherin democracy is defacto a powerplay of super rich, powerfuls, elites in society, human_gods , devils of democracy et al...pakistan poltical parties may keep president musarraf until his end of curren term without questioning his lawfulness in the post and judges who were terminated by musarrf shall not handle the agreement of political parties who came recently in power may create peace in the yet volatile state of pakistan. In view political environment is so clouded to peaceful solutions in groups of divisions and conflicts, a middle couse in between musarraf and political parties appear essential to keep peace in pakistan. opinion/comment repackaged by assistants to the rev kamal karna roy, a u s republican hopeful nd demanding to be nominated as mr clean republican nominee for u s president 2008 no election if be held on time rev lisa n r alston, chief campaign of dr roy for u s president 2008Your Comments On...Needed: Honesty on IraqWithout tying their hands, the candidates need to answer hard questions.start making similar demands. Ah, democracy in action.UPDATE, 11:51 p.m.: Searching my inbox, I noticed that the Obama campaign has announced seven superdelegate pickups since March 4. So there might be something to my "steady drip" theory. With seven weeks until Pennsylvania, a constant stream of superdelegate endorsements is a good way to create the impression of momentum--whether or not the supers in question decided to endorse today, yesterday or last month. Conversely, a sudden flood this week might've struck observers as a show of pre-March 4 support--and left them wondering whether Obama could keep attracting superdelegates after Clinton's wins in Ohio and Texas. Now it *looks like* he is.Hillary Clinton, Barack ObamaPermalink: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/a... Sphere It! Digg It! Newsvine Del.icio.us Facebook Type SizePrint Email RSS Social Networks Permalink: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/a... TrackBack URL: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/t... Sphere It! Digg It! Newsvine Del.icio.us Facebook Thanks for sharing your feedback! If your feedback doesn't appear right away, please be patient as it may take a few minutes to publish - or longer if the blogger is moderating comments. DiscussEnter Your CommentSubmit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (March 16, 2008 at 7:19 PM) Black voters, a disaffected young and independent electorate coupled with a disenchanted Black community can easily translate into a drop off of 20% of the turnout. This calculus can be even more devastating in the 11 states that had African American voter turnout percentages of 13% or more in 2004. As the young people might say- the Democrats better recognize!Posted by: theradioactivist | March 16, 2008 05:30 PM Nancy Pelozi doesn't care who will be the best president. Nancy Pelozi is only interested in her representatives electibility for the House, which Nancy controls.Nancy Pelozi is looking less and less attractive as a political figure. She says the right things the Democrats want to hear, and next thing you know, there she is smiling, and grinning ear to ear, standing behind the President while he signs legislation we don't want. gw.Posted by: Iowatreasures | March 16, 2008 05:30 PM j9zig1I believe the correct term is St. Paddy's day. D's, not T's. Otherwise, I find your analysis flawless.Posted by: daweeni | March 16, 2008 05:33 PM Posted by: artemis26:So your argument is that "crossovers" would not vote for Obama in the general? Just clarifying, not being confrontational.______________I don't think they will. He is untested. Has done litt3/17/2008 8:50:49 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy LISANROY wrote:3.17. 2008 NEW YORKCOMMENTS OF THE RE DR KAMAL KARNA KARUNA ROY AKA JOSEPH GERONIMO JR (BORN IN GUAM, A U S TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO U S ACT 1978 A US CITIZEN BY BIRTH) A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HOPEFUL TO BE MR CLEAN REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE FOR SCHEDULED NOV 4 2008 ELECTION IF BE HELD WITHOUT INJUNCTION TO POSTPONE ELECTION FOR DEEPROOTED CORRUPTIONS BY THE DEFENDANTS 440+ NOS0 TO SCREEN OUT BOB_ELITE CANDIDATE VIZ KAMAL KARNA ROY , AN ORDAINED CLERGY ON VOW OF POVERTY ( SEE WEBSITES WIH SEARCH WORDS 3 TO 5 WORDS AT A TIME WITH KAMAL KARNA ROY U S PRESIDENT 2008 REPUBLICAN JUNGLE DEMOCRACY ET AL TO FIND DETAILS ABOUT DR ROY .PHOTO CAN BE SEEN IN WEB PROJECT VOTE SMART KAMAL KARNA ROY.......pakistan poltical parties may keep president musarraf until his end of curren term without questioning his lawfulness in the post and judges who were terminated by musarrf shall not handle the agreement of political parties who came recently in power may create peace in the yet volatile state of pakistan. In view political environment is so clouded to peaceful solutions in groups of divisions and conflicts, a middle couse in between musarraf and political parties appear essential to keep peace in pakistan. opinion/comment repackaged by assistants to the rev kamal karna roy, a u s republican hopeful nd demanding to be nominated as mr clean republican nominee for u s president 2008 no election if be held on time rev lisa n r alston, chief campaign of dr roy for u s president 2008Your Comments On...Needed: Honesty on IraqWithout tying their hands, the candidates need to answer hard questions.start making similar demands. Ah, democracy in action.UPDATE, 11:51 p.m.: Searching my inbox, I noticed that the Obama campaign has announced seven superdelegate pickups since March 4. So there might be something to my "steady drip" theory. With seven weeks until Pennsylvania, a constant stream of superdelegate endorsements is a good way to create the impression of momentum--whether or not the supers in question decided to endorse today, yesterday or last month. Conversely, a sudden flood this week might've struck observers as a show of pre-March 4 support--and left them wondering whether Obama could keep attracting superdelegates after Clinton's wins in Ohio and Texas. Now it *looks like* he is.Hillary Clinton, Barack ObamaPermalink: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/a... Sphere It! Digg It! Newsvine Del.icio.us Facebook Type SizePrint Email RSS Social Networks Permalink: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/a... TrackBack URL: http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/stumper/t... Sphere It! Digg It! Newsvine Del.icio.us Facebook Thanks for sharing your feedback! If your feedback doesn't appear right away, please be patient as it may take a few minutes to publish - or longer if the blogger is moderating comments. DiscussEnter Your CommentSubmit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (March 16, 2008 at 7:19 PM) Black voters, a disaffected young and independent electorate coupled with a disenchanted Black community can easily translate into a drop off of 20% of the turnout. This calculus can be even more devastating in the 11 states that had African American voter turnout percentages of 13% or more in 2004. As the young people might say- the Democrats better recognize!Posted by: theradioactivist | March 16, 2008 05:30 PM Nancy Pelozi doesn't care who will be the best president. Nancy Pelozi is only interested in her representatives electibility for the House, which Nancy controls.Nancy Pelozi is looking less and less attractive as a political figure. She says the right things the Democrats want to hear, and next thing you know, there she is smiling, and grinning ear to ear, standing behind the President while he signs legislation we don't want. gw.Posted by: Iowatreasures | March 16, 2008 05:30 PM j9zig1I believe the correct term is St. Paddy's day. D's, not T's. Otherwise, I find your analysis flawless.Posted by: daweeni | March 16, 2008 05:33 PM Posted by: artemis26:So your argument is that "crossovers" would not vote for Obama in the general? Just clarifying, not being confrontational.______________I don't think they will. He is untested. Has done little in the senate but run for president. The Wright story was not out when he was getting votes from whites due to his "unity" message. It falls flat now. As I said before, I think he loses that Wright issue any way you slice it. Either he didn't think his church was controversial or he didn't know. Which is it? Supporting someone who you say is your "mentor" who says "appalling" things with thousands of dollars is worse than saying them yourself. At least the pastor is being honest. Posted by: j9zig1 | March 16, 2008 05:35 PM NO OBAMA. My reasons are expressed here.www.taylormarsh.comPosted by: mjno | March 16, 2008 05:36 PM Change Preferences | Sign Out Sign In | Register Now Print Edition | Subscribe NewsNation Investigations Education Photos %26amp; Video World Technology KidsPost Discussions Metro Entertainment Religion Corrections Business Health Post Magazine Archives PoliticsPolitics Blogs House/Senate Votes White House Congress 2008 Campaign In Depth Polls In the Loop DC | MD | VA OpinionsOpinions Home Toles Cartoons On Faith Blogs Telnaes Animations PostGlobal Feedback Outlook Discussion Groups LocalMetro News Weather Local Explorer Jobs Education Traffic Community Guides Cars DC | MD | VACrime The Extras Real Estate Columns/Blogs Obituaries Local Business Yellow Pages SportsRedskins D.C. United Columns/Blogs NFL Nationals Capitals College Basketball NHL Wizards High Schools Local Colleges NBA Arts %26amp; LivingStyle Movies Travel Fashion %26amp; Beauty Horoscopes Smart Living Television Books Home %26amp; Garden Comics Entertainment News Food %26amp; Dining Museums Theater %26amp; Dance Crosswords City GuideFind Restaurants Find Local Events Find Movies Visitors Guide Find Bars %26amp; Clubs Going Out Gurus JobsSearch JobsCarsBuy a Car Sell a Car Experts %26amp; Advice Dealer Specials Coupons Real EstateBuy a Home Sell a Home Property Values RentalsFind a Rental Rent Your Place ShoppingShop New Deals %26amp; Discounts Shopper Blog Shop Used Sell Your Stuff Pets SEARCH: washingtonpost.com Web | Search Archiveswashingtonpost.com /%26gt; ColumnsYour Comments On...Arizona's Booster SocialismA new imbroglio about an old and discredited practice.- By George F. WillCommentsLISANROY wrote:ColumnsYour Comments On...Arizona's Booster SocialismA new imbroglio about an old and discredited practice.- By George F. WillCommentsLISANROY wrote:obama. hillary and mcCain all three have shown their deficits in public image which create deep concern among we the people in usa to investgate/ reopen investigations on female lobbyist pleasure pursuit for influence pedalling (felony charg)against, i r s tax fraud by obama for easy and convinient financing of r /e deal involving obamas house in illinois , in assistance of rezco but obama criminally did not report to i r s for his gain in money in sweet_heart financing on the deal, even gain in illegal conduct on this , the shrewed obama , as reported did not report gain to irs, and that a felony; similarly hillary 1/2 successfully evaded issue of corruption in her involvement in white water r/e scandal , which she temporarily delayed or evaded in wearing cloak of a clintonian first woman. she is not wearing any defence cloak, so f b i et al lawfully and easily punish her for her abusive tendency to common we the people. many in arkansas lost money for hillary's high handed orruption . We the people in usa should not reawad her with u s presidency and we the people would like to see her established in a correction house for her corruption if proved in laws of u s court and bar her for a federal full time job of u s president w e f 1.20. 2009'3/17/2008 8:23:44 PMRecommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy more..
Tag : democracy does | revolving doors | Open Question
Resolved Question: no no no to...
obama shall definitely prove another presidential hopeful of democrats like rudy giuliani of republicans.Obama's abusive deal in purchase of his home purchase reveals a way of wise people in USA to cut short cut deal.But such short circuit for personal gain is very mischievous when it came to natiional interests and it shall definitely arouse loss of faiths in leadership andpeole turn divisive.It is " we the people" to be decisive to stop his hope with additional scrutiny to lead to denial of patriotic job of a u s Presedent 2008. USA is d9vided on issues. we the people can not burden odd issues to add to confusion.Pl elect the clean person as leader and they are in groups of presoidential hpefuls. we the people may have to cross party_line to elect a dependable leader who may comman pulic faith: jerry alston , with consent of a us presiodential, republian hopeful, the rev dr Kamal karna k roy : see the following;Thanks to everyone who donated in the Wikimedia Foundation fundraiser! You can still make a contribution, or buy Wikimedia merchandise. Kamal Karna RoyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchKamal Karna Roy Born GUAM, A u S TERRITORY IN PACIFIC Residence United States Nationality U S CITIZEN BY BIRTH, PURSUANT TO u s ACT OF 1978, FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE BORM IN GUAM AND in MARIANA ISLANDS in Pacific Ocean regions ,AND who were LIVING IN usa ON DAY OF ENACTMENT OF THE SAId ACT OF 1978. Other names the Rev Dr Joseph Geronimo , Jr.Kamal K. K. Roy.KAMAL KARNA K. ROY Known for as ACTIVIST IN SOCIAL REFORMS IN RESPECTS OF GOD/S, RELIGIONS, PEOPLE, hUMAN_GOD/S ( PEOPLE WITH LEADERSHIP AND APPARENT OR REAL POWERS TO EXERT RIGHTS ON PUBLIC WITH GOOD OR ANY INTENTION OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IDEOLOGIES VIZ LATE Iraqi Dictator_President :SADAM HUSSAIN OF IRAQ WHILE HE WAS IN POWER OF UN_NAMED U.S PRESIDENT/S WITH severe CONTROVERSIES IN PUBLIC POLICIES IN MAINLAND usa OR WORLD_WIDE democracies, SAY A ruling GENERAL IN SOME POWER IN SOUTH ASIA. Education has an M B A DEGREE (m s IN SPECIALISATION IN tRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT FROM suny MARITIME COLLEGE , the BRONX, NEW YORK CITY, usa ; STUDIED ADVANCED COURSE LEADING TO ADVANCED CERT. IN pUBLIC ADMN. FROM usda gRADUATE SCHOOL, WASHINTON dc ( SCHOOL id :578- 80- 4399 ; he has 2 Doctoral degrees in management science in fields of management Science and another in field/faculty of Religions / god/s/people from foreign school He has a bachelor's degree in law from foreign cchool of laws and management. He further took in education s in University of Rhode Island,both at Providence and Kingston , in usa and other schools viz City university of new York,Baruch college, New york city, usa et al Employer volunteer ordained clergy with vow of poverty ( U S IRS rule for ordained clergies in USA .group Handicap interests international world religions group. 107 A Scribner avenue, staten Island , New york city, n y 10301, USA Occupation activist, mobile clergy, electronic preacher of multiple or unique god/s and religions , et al. Title mobile clergy,Political activist USA and around globe; currently he is a u s presidential hopeful / candidate for 2008 electoral competition from Republican Party in New York ; strategist for common / weaker people, disadvantaged people in democracy in usa et al to claim leadership including the 2008 Presidency electoral competition: the weaker people aresegregated and removed from electoral race by stategic powerful block in democracy in U S republic including the news media and news conglomerates. see court actions pending in the main article of Dr kamal Karna Roy. strategist of god/s , religions, people, et al, activist Height 5' 8'Political party Republican ( GOP)of usa Religious stance world religions/ multiple religions in unique body and soul and a proponent of the strategy. Spouse a common law wife Children some, maintained by natural mother concerned Kamal Karna Roy (a/k/a Kamal K.K. Roy, a/k/a Rev. Dr. Joseph Geronimo, Jr.) is a prolific pro se litigant who, since at least the early 1990s, has filed numerous lawsuits throughout the United States and its territories under the names Roy and Joseph Geronimo, Jr., as well as under the names of entities that he is affiliated with, including International Siva Consciousness %26amp; World Religions, Reforms International, Handicap Interests International, and Jungle Democracy.[1] Roy's lawsuits are often brought against multiple defendants, and feature long, unconventional complaints. Roy has filed lawsuits against God, U.S. Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, fast food restaurants, foreign leaders.[2], and Wikipedia [3] [4].Roy's lawsuits have addressed, among many other things, actions taken by President George W. Bush, overcharging by telecommunication companies, the appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts to the Supreme Court, and "failure of democratic societies and God's role therein."[5] In 2006 Judge Michael W. McConnell of The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit described a typical Roy complaint:Roy, a/k/a Joseph Geronimo, Jr. filed a 115-page complaint, a 144-page amended complaint, and a 40-page second amended complaint against over sixty defendants, including among many others President Bush, God as U.S.-based divine benefactor, several government agencies, The New York Times, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. In addition to pages of rambling discourse, the complaint contains numerous illegible handwritten remarks.[6]The Tenth Circuit went on to affirm the district court's dismissal of the complaint holding that no discernible claim was apparent from the complaint. Judge McConnell also humorously noted that the court "strongly suspect[ed] at least one defendant was not properly served."[7]Most, if not all, of Roy's complaints have been dismissed. A 2006 United States District Court for the District of Delaware opinion, Jungle Democracy v. U.S., describes Roy as "no stranger to litigation" and provides a partial list of Roy lawsuits that have been dismissed since 1991.[8]Despite Roy's lack of success in the courts, his lawsuits have been discussed in law school classrooms and in law related blogs.[9] [10]In April 2007 Roy filed a civil rights action against, among others, CBS Broadcasting Inc., MSNBC, the United States Government, and controversial radio shock jock Don Imus.[11]In October, 2007, Roy filed a suit in the US District Court, Middle District of Florida, against "Wikipedia Encyclopedia, USA, All News Media, All State Board of Elections, Federal Election Commission". See Dkt. 3:07-cv-00994-VMC-HTS.[edit] References^ Jungle Democracy v. U.S., No. CIV.06-503-SLR, 2006 WL 2616213, at *1 (D. Del. Sept. 12, 2006) ^ Roy v. U.S., No. CIV.06-685-SLR 2007 WL 1109296 at *1 (D. Del. Apr. 11, 2007) ^ http://dockets.justia.com/browse/state-n... ^ http://www.area603.com/index.php?op=View... ^ Id. ^ Jungle Democracy v. USA Government at Washington, DC %26amp; at Denver, 206 Fed.Appx. 756 (C.A.10, 2006) ^ Id. at 757 ^ Jungle Democracy, 2006 WL 2616213, at *1 ^ http://howappealing.law.com/112106.html#... ^ http://enmasse.ca/forums/viewtopic.php?p... ^ http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-d... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamal_Karn... Uncategorised people | Year of birth missing (living people) | Place of birth missing (living people) | Living peopleViewsArticle Discussion Edit this page History Watch Personal toolsKamal karna roy My talk My preferences My watchlist My contributions Log out NavigationMain page Contents Featured content Current events Random article interactionAbout Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia Donate to Wikipedia Help SearchToolboxWhat links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Printable version Permanent link Cite this article This page was last modified 18:00, 29 October 2007. 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Tag : Obama reverend | hillary clinton | Resolved Question
Resolved Question: newer view of usa...
Thanks to everyone who donated in the Wikimedia Foundation fundraiser! You can still make a contribution, or buy Wikimedia merchandise. Kamal Karna RoyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchKamal Karna Roy Born GUAM, A u S TERRITORY IN PACIFIC Residence United States Nationality U S CITIZEN BY BIRTH, PURSUANT TO u s ACT OF 1978, FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE BORM IN GUAM AND in MARIANA ISLANDS in Pacific Ocean regions ,AND who were LIVING IN usa ON DAY OF ENACTMENT OF THE SAId ACT OF 1978. Other names the Rev Dr Joseph Geronimo , Jr.Kamal K. K. Roy.KAMAL KARNA K. ROY Known for as ACTIVIST IN SOCIAL REFORMS IN RESPECTS OF GOD/S, RELIGIONS, PEOPLE, hUMAN_GOD/S ( PEOPLE WITH LEADERSHIP AND APPARENT OR REAL POWERS TO EXERT RIGHTS ON PUBLIC WITH GOOD OR ANY INTENTION OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IDEOLOGIES VIZ LATE Iraqi Dictator_President :SADAM HUSSAIN OF IRAQ WHILE HE WAS IN POWER OF UN_NAMED U.S PRESIDENT/S WITH severe CONTROVERSIES IN PUBLIC POLICIES IN MAINLAND usa OR WORLD_WIDE democracies, SAY A ruling GENERAL IN SOME POWER IN SOUTH ASIA. Education has an M B A DEGREE (m s IN SPECIALISATION IN tRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT FROM suny MARITIME COLLEGE , the BRONX, NEW YORK CITY, usa ; STUDIED ADVANCED COURSE LEADING TO ADVANCED CERT. IN pUBLIC ADMN. FROM usda gRADUATE SCHOOL, WASHINTON dc ( SCHOOL id :578- 80- 4399 ; he has 2 Doctoral degrees in management science in fields of management Science and another in field/faculty of Religions / god/s/people from foreign school He has a bachelor's degree in law from foreign cchool of laws and management. He further took in education s in University of Rhode Island,both at Providence and Kingston , in usa and other schools viz City university of new York,Baruch college, New york city, usa et al Employer volunteer ordained clergy with vow of poverty ( U S IRS rule for ordained clergies in USA .group Handicap interests international world religions group. 107 A Scribner avenue, staten Island , New york city, n y 10301, USA Occupation activist, mobile clergy, electronic preacher of multiple or unique god/s and religions , et al. Title mobile clergy,Political activist USA and around globe; currently he is a u s presidential hopeful / candidate for 2008 electoral competition from Republican Party in New York ; strategist for common / weaker people, disadvantaged people in democracy in usa et al to claim leadership including the 2008 Presidency electoral competition: the weaker people aresegregated and removed from electoral race by stategic powerful block in democracy in U S republic including the news media and news conglomerates. see court actions pending in the main article of Dr kamal Karna Roy. strategist of god/s , religions, people, et al, activist Height 5' 8'Political party Republican ( GOP)of usa Religious stance world religions/ multiple religions in unique body and soul and a proponent of the strategy. Spouse a common law wife Children some, maintained by natural mother concerned Kamal Karna Roy (a/k/a Kamal K.K. Roy, a/k/a Rev. Dr. Joseph Geronimo, Jr.) is a prolific pro se litigant who, since at least the early 1990s, has filed numerous lawsuits throughout the United States and its territories under the names Roy and Joseph Geronimo, Jr., as well as under the names of entities that he is affiliated with, including International Siva Consciousness %26amp; World Religions, Reforms International, Handicap Interests International, and Jungle Democracy.[1] Roy's lawsuits are often brought against multiple defendants, and feature long, unconventional complaints. Roy has filed lawsuits against God, U.S. Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, fast food restaurants, foreign leaders.[2], and Wikipedia [3] [4].Roy's lawsuits have addressed, among many other things, actions taken by President George W. Bush, overcharging by telecommunication companies, the appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts to the Supreme Court, and "failure of democratic societies and God's role therein."[5] In 2006 Judge Michael W. McConnell of The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit described a typical Roy complaint:Roy, a/k/a Joseph Geronimo, Jr. filed a 115-page complaint, a 144-page amended complaint, and a 40-page second amended complaint against over sixty defendants, including among many others President Bush, God as U.S.-based divine benefactor, several government agencies, The New York Times, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. In addition to pages of rambling discourse, the complaint contains numerous illegible handwritten remarks.[6]The Tenth Circuit went on to affirm the district court's dismissal of the complaint holding that no discernible claim was apparent from the complaint. Judge McConnell also humorously noted that the court "strongly suspect[ed] at least one defendant was not properly served."[7]Most, if not all, of Roy's complaints have been dismissed. A 2006 United States District Court for the District of Delaware opinion, Jungle Democracy v. U.S., describes Roy as "no stranger to litigation" and provides a partial list of Roy lawsuits that have been dismissed since 1991.[8]Despite Roy's lack of success in the courts, his lawsuits have been discussed in law school classrooms and in law related blogs.[9] [10]In April 2007 Roy filed a civil rights action against, among others, CBS Broadcasting Inc., MSNBC, the United States Government, and controversial radio shock jock Don Imus.[11]In October, 2007, Roy filed a suit in the US District Court, Middle District of Florida, against "Wikipedia Encyclopedia, USA, All News Media, All State Board of Elections, Federal Election Commission". See Dkt. 3:07-cv-00994-VMC-HTS.[edit] References^ Jungle Democracy v. U.S., No. CIV.06-503-SLR, 2006 WL 2616213, at *1 (D. Del. Sept. 12, 2006) ^ Roy v. U.S., No. CIV.06-685-SLR 2007 WL 1109296 at *1 (D. Del. Apr. 11, 2007) ^ http://dockets.justia.com/browse/state-n... ^ http://www.area603.com/index.php?op=View... ^ Id. ^ Jungle Democracy v. USA Government at Washington, DC %26amp; at Denver, 206 Fed.Appx. 756 (C.A.10, 2006) ^ Id. at 757 ^ Jungle Democracy, 2006 WL 2616213, at *1 ^ http://howappealing.law.com/112106.html#... ^ http://enmasse.ca/forums/viewtopic.php?p... ^ http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-d... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamal_Karn... Uncategorised people | Year of birth missing (living people) | Place of birth missing (living people) | Living peopleViewsArticle Discussion Edit this page History Watch Personal toolsKamal karna roy My talk My preferences My watchlist My contributions Log out NavigationMain page Contents Featured content Current events Random article interactionAbout Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia Donate to Wikipedia Help SearchToolboxWhat links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Printable version Permanent link Cite this article This page was last modified 18:00, 29 October 2007. 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Tag : president clean | newer view | Resolved Question
Resolved Question: kamal karna roy...
A republican politician the rev dr kamal karna k roy, u s presidential candidate, a contender nomination GOP ?sunshine
do you get as tired of cutting and pasting this as we do of seeing your rant
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